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How do I maintain my Cumulus Machine?Updated 3 months ago

After approximately 150 brews, your machine will signal the need for maintenance by displaying an orange alert light, indicating it’s time for cleaning. The cleaning process takes around 15 minutes and consists of four steps: a Purge Cycle to remove water from the machine, a Cleaning Cycle to refresh the internal components, a Rinse Cycle to flush out any remaining residue, and a final Filter Change to replace the water filter for optimal quality.

To clean your machine, you will need: 

  1. The Cumulus Coffee Cleaning Solution (included with your machine)

  2. The blank cleaning capsule (included with your machine)

  3. A 32 oz household container (e.g., large measuring cup or pitcher) that fits under the spout with the drip tray in place

  4. New Cumulus filter cartridge

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